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Bug#612572: libreoffice: introduces /user directory

On Wed, Feb 09, 2011 at 10:37:29AM +0100, Rene Engelhard wrote:
> this is supposed to get the UserInstallation key from said bootstraprc and
> use that UserInstallation/user/extensions, and UserInstallation is
> UserInstallation=$SYSUSERCONFIG/.libreoffice/3
> If that either doesn't work anymore or something in some obscure
> occurance ignores this is the question now... Hmm.

The files content in /user doesn't expose anything helpful. They are all
owned by root. However, according to my dpkg.log the modification times
correlate with the installation of libreoffice-report-builder and
dependent libs. Unfortunately, this was the last package I installed
from the libreoffice suite, so I can't really tell whether the /user
tree has been there before or not. The two log.txt files both contain
only one entry, this is probably an indication of the tree not having
been there before the installation of libreoffice-report-builder.

Und wie jede Sprache, so hat auch PHP ein Anwendungsgebiet, fuer das es
besonders gut geeignet ist. Soweit ich sehen kann, handelt es sich dabei
um das sogenannte "ins Knie schiessen".
                              -- Volker Birk in de.alt.sysadmin.recovery

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