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Bug#233938: openoffice.org: fonts on Menu & Body unreadable. They are italics and bold. Just upgraded and this problem started

On Wed, 2004-02-25 at 17:41, Rishi Gangoly wrote:
> On Tuesday 24 February 2004 06:12, Chris Halls wrote:
> > You can find out which version of the packages is in which distribution
> > by going to http://packages.debian.org/<packagename>, i.e.
> > http://packages.debian.org/openoffice.org
> That's cool info. BTW.. can I just download the version without having to go 
> through apt-get and upgrade it using dpkg?  My net speed at home isn't as 
> fast as the one we have at the office. ;-)

Yes, there are links off the page I gave you to the .deb files to
download, which you can install using 'dpkg -i <packagename>'.  You'll
need to get openoffice.org and openoffice.org-bin at least (dpkg will
complain about dependencies if you need any more).

> Thanks for the response once again. You guys are great and fast. Keep up the 
> great work at Debian.

You're welcome.  Please remember that the time I spend answering
questions in bug reports is time that I could have otherwise spent
improving the packages etc (we are volunteers and have limited time to
spend on the packages), so please try to find this type of more general
information out for yourself, or ask in a more appropriate forum such as
the debian-user mailing list.


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