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Re: [Pkg-octave-devel] [Reproducible-builds] Trying to fix random_buildpath_by_octave

* Oliver Heimlich <oheim@posteo.de> [2016-02-12 22:43]:

On 11.02.2016 07:24, Rafael Laboissiere wrote:

* Oliver Heimlich <oheim@posteo.de> [2016-02-11 01:01]:

Compilation with

 octave \
    --eval "function s = tempname (); persistent counter = 0;
 counter++; s               = strcat (tempdir, 'oct-', num2str
 (counter, '%06d')); endfunction;" \     --eval "pkg ('build' …)"

should fix the non-deterministic directory names (in the log and for the dbgsyms).

Would not this prevent the concurrent build of packages in the same system?

Yes, but the build systems use isolated environments, don't they?

Yes, this is how buildd works and the change that you propose will have no impact on that. However, build of packages in a single environment (in a batch, say), will result in conflicts.


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