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Re: [covid-19] Help for ocaml package needed

Hello Andreas,

I had a look at the currently packaged mcl and the mcl clone (the one
with the bindings on github).

The mcl[1] clone seems to be a lot older than the debian packaged;
looking at the _oasis file it seems like the version is 12-068~oasis4
compared to the packaged one which is 1:14-137. This means that the mcl
clone would actually be in sync and would be built on top of presumably
this debian mcl state[2] which is 8 years old. I'm worried about any
incompatibilities should the code base or the pristine tarball now
reflect the mcl clone instead.

Any suggestions as to how I can go forward and incorporate this
OCaml-enhanced mcl, presumably not in a separate package due to the
duplication of code?

Kind regards,
Shayan Doust

[1]: https://github.com/fhcrc/mcl

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