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Advocacy for Martijn van Brummelen


I advocate Martijn van Brummelen to become Debian Developer, uploading.

The current status of Martijn van Brummelen is Debian Maintainer.

Advocacy text:

I've met Martijn a couple of times at Free Software events during the last                      
couple of years.  I know him and I am pretty sure he won't troll our lists or                   
represent Debian in any bad way.  I am looking forward to welcome him to our                    
community.  (I haven't taken the time to look at any of his code, so cannot                     
plead about that, and I am _not_ stating Martijn can be trusted to have full,                   
unsupervised, unrestricted upload to the archive right now.)

Joost van Baal (via nm.debian.org)

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