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AM report for Ole Streicher

I recommend to accept Ole Streicher as a Debian Developer.

1. Identification & Account Data
   First name:      Ole
   Middle name:     -
   Last name:       Streicher
   Key fingerprint: BAFC6C85F7CB143FEEB6FB157115AFD07710DCF7
   Account:         olebole

2. Background

Born 1966 in Berlin/Germany, PhD in physics 2000, currently working at
Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics (AIP) Potsdam.

My first Linux experiences date back to 1993, where we started to use
Linux machines for data acquisition and analysis. With the Debian
ecosystem, I started to work in 2005 when Ubuntu came out (Ubuntu is
still my primary desktop system). Since 2009, I started to create
packages; first for local use only, and since 2011 I contribute to
Debian, getting maintainer status in 2012.

The  primary goal here is to make Debian a valuable system for
Astrophysicists: Although many software in this field is written for
Linux, the installation and maintenance of computers in astrophysics
is quite hard: many packages are old, partly unmaintained, difficult
to install. Having a good base here would be definitely a plus.

The work which goes there does not just improve Debian, but the whole
astrophysics software community: other systems are not too different
in their requirements. A good Debian package is also a good base to
work on a Fedora package, or on one of the MacOSX repositories (and
vice versa). Having agreements across distributions about package (and
dependency) structure, naming and directory structure conventions etc.
would make life easier for us astronomers. And, a joint request helps
that upstream authors can be convinced about todays software
requirements, be this a clear (and free) licensing, handling of
convenience copies or other topics.

A final point is that good software packages, even for quite special
purposes, enable others to step into the data processing of existing
astrophysical observations. This helps on one side to make the
scientific progress in this field more transparent, on the other side
this enables scientists that have no access to the large observatories
(the European Southern Observatory as an example here) to use these
data for own scientific investigations, helping to lower the gap to
the developed countries.

This mainly describes my motivation and primary areas of interest. The
contributions I made so far are mainly packaging (for a complete list
see my DDPO page,
http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=debian%40liska.ath.cx). The
most complicated package there was saods9, which needed a quite large
restructuration in order to fullfill the policy, including the
packaging of ~10 other dependencies and subdependencies, and a longer
discussion about licensing with the (independent) upstream authors of
the dependencies. The major package that is in development yet is
python-astropy, where I am in close contact with the upstream authors.
work with them since they started the project, and so the
communication is very good.



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