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Re: Advocacy for Brian Gupta

Stefano Zacchiroli via nm dijo [Tue, May 21, 2013 at 10:32:53PM -0000]:
> Hello,
> I advocate Brian Gupta to become non-uploading DD.
> Advocacy text:
> I happily advocate Brian for becoming a project member, based on my
> interactions with him for the work above. Brian is passionate about
> Debian and Free Software in general. In the context of my DPL work of
> the past year - year and a half, Brian has been a fundamental asset of
> the "DPL helpers" team, up to taking the lead of dealing with incoming
> requests at trademark@d.o. In fact, he is the perfect example of a
> contributor whom, even if not with packaging/coding contributions, can
> do very useful work in the "management" area.

I would also like to advocate Brian for this.

Brian has long been involved with DebConf, most specifically in the
sponsor acquisition area. We met during DebConf10 in New York, and
for this last DebConf13 cycle he has grown more and more active. He
has shown commitment(sp?), has brought in and implemented important
new ideas. I am pretty sure Brian will become a valuable asset for

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