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AM report for Franck Joncourt <franck.mail@dthconnex.com>


1. Identification & Account Data
   First name:      Franck
   Last name:       Joncourt
   Key fingerprint: 1024D/75C089FE C10E D1D0 EF70 0A2A CACF  9A3C C490 534E 75C0 89FE
   Account:         franck
   Forward email:   franck.mail@dthconnex.com

   ID check passed, key signed by 1 existing developer:
     Cyril Brulebois <kibi@debian.org>
   Franck will try to get more signatures.

   Output from keycheck.sh:

     Syncing Debian Keyrings with rsync from keyring.debian.org
     Receiving and checking key
     pub   1024D/75C089FE 2006-09-23
           Key fingerprint = C10E D1D0 EF70 0A2A CACF  9A3C C490 534E 75C0 89FE
     uid                  Franck Joncourt (Personal email) <franck.mail@dthconnex.com>
     sig!         747935DD 2008-11-05  Cyril Brulebois <kibi@debian.org>
     sig!3        75C089FE 2008-04-11  Franck Joncourt (Personal email) <franck.mail@dthconnex.com>
     uid                  Franck Joncourt <franck.joncourt@wanadoo.fr>
     sig!         747935DD 2008-11-05  Cyril Brulebois <kibi@debian.org>
     sig!3        75C089FE 2007-08-17  Franck Joncourt (Personal email) <franck.mail@dthconnex.com>
     sig!3        75C089FE 2007-08-17  Franck Joncourt (Personal email) <franck.mail@dthconnex.com>
     sig!3        75C089FE 2007-08-17  Franck Joncourt (Personal email) <franck.mail@dthconnex.com>
     sig!3        75C089FE 2008-04-11  Franck Joncourt (Personal email) <franck.mail@dthconnex.com>
     sig!3        75C089FE 2007-10-27  Franck Joncourt (Personal email) <franck.mail@dthconnex.com>
     sig!3        75C089FE 2007-08-17  Franck Joncourt (Personal email) <franck.mail@dthconnex.com>
     uid                  Franck Joncourt <joncourt_franck@yahoo.co.uk>
     sig!         747935DD 2008-11-05  Cyril Brulebois <kibi@debian.org>
     sig!3        75C089FE 2007-08-17  Franck Joncourt (Personal email) <franck.mail@dthconnex.com>
     sig!3        75C089FE 2007-08-17  Franck Joncourt (Personal email) <franck.mail@dthconnex.com>
     sig!3        75C089FE 2007-08-17  Franck Joncourt (Personal email) <franck.mail@dthconnex.com>
     sig!3        75C089FE 2007-10-27  Franck Joncourt (Personal email) <franck.mail@dthconnex.com>
     sig!3        75C089FE 2006-09-23  Franck Joncourt (Personal email) <franck.mail@dthconnex.com>
     sub   2048g/7CBED87A 2006-09-23
     sig!         75C089FE 2007-08-17  Franck Joncourt (Personal email) <franck.mail@dthconnex.com>

   Let's test if its a version 4 or greater key
   Key is ok
   Check for key expire stuff
   Key has no expiration date set, nothing to check.

2. Background
   Applicant writes:

   I am 28 years old and I live in France.
   I have started playing with Linux at the end of my studies, when I
   got my first laptop. I wanted to give it a try. I first used
   Mandrake, then Fedora for a few weeks, but I do not know why, I was
   not really enjoyed with those distributions. A friend of mine was
   running Debian, so I decided to follow him in his way in 2005. Since
   then I have never switched to anything else.
   I then found a job in a small company as an embedded
   hardware/software engineer. Talking with the administrator, I
   discovered that one server was a Mandrake box. Step by step, I could
   get my hands on it. In the same time, I started contributing to the
   debian-user-french mailing list where I have learned a lot ; this was
   a nice way to both learn and help people.
   Replacing the old server, I convinced the administror to switch to
   Debian, and right now we have got six of them. I have been appointed
   as a system adminstrator as well, which makes me happy since I can
   play with my favorite distribution by settings up new services for
   the local users, fixing network problems, trying new stuff...
   In the meantime, I found a nice software to work on: fwknop.
   Unfortunately, there was no Debian package. Thus, I decided to do my
   first package. It took me a while to make it work as I wanted, but I
   really enjoyed it. Talking with upstream and Debian members to get
   something nice was really a pleasure. I joined the Debian perl group
   for that purpose and I try to help when I can.
   Since I do not have my own project, I submit patches upstream on
   projects I like and I want to know more about. So far, I have mainly
   contributed to the cipherdyne projects (http://www.cipherdyne.com/)
   which I have packaged or I co-maintain. I also distribute packages of
   the pre-releases through my own repository to help debugging, getting
   feedback from users. I have done some backports for some users of
   Etch as well.
   Applying as a DM last year was a way to get more involved in Debian,
   more responsibilities to the Debian users. I would like to help Free
   Software upstreams to improve their projects, distribute their work
   to the Debian community, keep in touch with both users and

   Google says:
   Involvement both in Debian and in several upstream lists. I found
   mails in LKML, kudos to him on CPAN and other activity since at least

3. Philosophy and Procedures
   Franck has a good understanding of Debian's philosophy and procedures
   and answered all my questions about the social contract,
   DFSG, BTS, etc. in a good way. Franck committed to uphold the SC and
   DFSG in his Debian work and accepts the DMUP.

4. Tasks and Skills
   Franck has a good understanding of the technical side of Debian.
   Franck is maintainer of fwsnort, fwknop or urlwatch (sponsored by
   Francois Marier <francois@debian.org> at first, and then as a DM).
   He is also a member of the debian-perl group, and has done several
   uploads of various perl packages.
   All packages are in good shape.
   Franck also answered my other questions regarding T&S without
   problems and provided patches for RC bugs.

5. Recommendation
   I recommend to accept Franck as a Debian Developer.



GPG key: 4096R/E7AD5568 2009-05-08 Enrico Zini <enrico@enricozini.org>

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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