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Re: DM application for Franck Joncourt

I want to offer my full support for Franck's application to become a DM.

Having interacted with him around the fwknop and fwsnort packages, I was
really impressed by his knowledge of Debian tools and policies and by his
attention to detail. He has been very diligent in soliciting input from
multiple people and to interface with upstream to fix specific problems that
were affecting the Debian packaging.

It's been a pleasure working with him as he is very responsive to feedback
and is very quick to fix any issue that is brought to his attention.

This (and the overall quality of his packages) makes it very easy for me to
sponsor his packages and to recommend him as a Debian maintainer.


On 2008-11-10 at 01:37:03, Franck Joncourt wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to apply as a Debian Maintainer.
> Therefore, I have read the social contract, the DFSG, and the DMUP, and
> I agree to all of them.
> So far, I have packaged some perl modules through the pkg perl group,
> and worked on other packages such as fwknop and fwsnort which I maintain
> in the collab-maint repository.
> Through this process I have met other Debian members, and I have always
> been happy to discuss with them (l10n, sponsor, pkg perl). They gave me
> advice and help. I am sure I still have a lot to learn but I feel I can
> help you, and that would make things easier to maintain my current packages.
> I am looking forward to becoming a DM :)
> Regards,
> -- 
> Franck Joncourt
> http://debian.org - http://smhteam.info/wiki/
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