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Re: DM application for Emmanuel Bouthenot

Emmanuel Bouthenot <kolter@openics.org> (17/09/2008):
> I would like to become a Debian Maintainer.

> My GPG key is signed by the following Debian Developers :
> sig          747935DD 2007-08-25  Cyril Brulebois <cyril.brulebois@enst-bretagne.fr>


> Pierre Habouzit (MadCoder) has agreed to act as advocate.

(I meant to reply before, but my VAC schedule didn't permit that until

I support kolter's becoming a DM since I've been very pleased with the
shape of the packages I've been asked to sponsor, since I'm very happy
with my interactions with kolter (e.g. within the pkg-phototools team,
but not only), and since I'm sure that he won't be afraid to ask for
advice when in doubt. That he likes peer-review doesn't mean he needs
it, I have almost no comments to make about his packages but say “yes,
that's fine” when he wants to have a confirmation he did things right.

I think he's ready for DM.


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