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Re: NM status: separate DAM approval and account creation?

On 10246 March 1977, Brian Nelson wrote:

> The front desk already reviews every report for completeness and
> correctness when they are submitted.  No report should be getting to the
> DAM that isn't ready for approval.

So why then are some on Hold?
Why is there the possibility for a DAM to reject, for FrontDesk not?
(They can send back to AM, but not reject an NM if AM thinks its ready).

> Joerg, in his current position, is completely redundant

Oh thanks. So I should go?

> and is no different from a front desk member.  I can only assume that
> he will get full account creation rights in the near future, once he's become
> comfortable with the role.  Otherwise, I don't see any reason as to why
> he's been promoted to "DAM" if he has no power to manage accounts.

Maybe to take away some load from James?  Like - reading the whole
stuff, looking what he did/does and actually deciding "Yes, I think he
would give a good DD"? And take the responsibility if you make crap with it.

FrontDesk actually wasnt so much. FrontDesk was managing AM assignments
and stuff. It was extended from time to time, to what it is actually,
but you are still somewhere in the middle.
Its good what you do (and thanks for that) - ensuring that Reports are
really complete, sometimes asking extra question if stuff is missing -
but its still different from what I do. (Except that we both read the
text. :) ).

bye Joerg
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