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AM report for S. Zachariah Sprackett

Report for new developer applicant S. Zachariah Sprackett <zac@sprackett.com>:

1. Identity verification

ID check passed, key signed by existing DD.

Output from keycheck.sh:

  pub  1024D/4DE6F9CE 2004-03-29 Shamus Zachariah Sprackett (Daily Use) <zac@sprackett.com>
     Key fingerprint = CC8A DB41 4B47 ABD0 C6CE  BEFC 5FCC FDF4 4DE6 F9CE
  sig!2   191FCD8A 2004-08-05   Kyle McMartin <kyle@debian.org>
  sig!3   4DE6F9CE 2004-03-29   Shamus Zachariah Sprackett (Daily Use) <zac@sprackett.com>
  sub  1024g/639B7A08 2004-03-29 [expires: 2005-03-29]
  sig!    4DE6F9CE 2004-03-29   Shamus Zachariah Sprackett (Daily Use) <zac@sprackett.com>

Zac Sprackett has been involved with Linux professionally for many years.
He was a software engineer at Corel Computer Corp. where he worked on
the NetWinder and cofounded netwinder.org.  Following his time at Corel
he went to work at VA Linux Systems where he was a lead engineer and
designer on the VA Cluster Manager (VACM).  Zac is currently employed
by Mitel where he specializes in SIP and other VoIP based products.

2. Philosophy and Procedures

Zac has a good understanding of Debian's Philosophy and Procedures.

He gave clear answers to all my questions about the Social Contract,
DFSG, BTS etc.

3. Tasks and Skills

Zac is doing a good job of maintaining sitebar and nine Perl packages,
working with Kyle McMartin and Matthew Wilcox.

He answered my Tasks and Skills questions without any problem.

4. Recommendation

I recommend accepting Zac as a Debian Developer.



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Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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