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[Mail Delivery Subsystem] Returned mail: delivery problems encountered

Looks like this applicant's domain (xynyx.de) is dead at the moment.
Anyone know of an alternate way to reach him?

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--- End Message ---
A message (from <pyro@debian.org>) was received at 30 May 2003  2:09:35 +0000.

The following addresses had delivery problems:

	Permanent Failure: Other address status
	Delivery last attempted at Fri, 30 May 2003 03:29:18 -0000
Reporting-MTA: dns; rwcrmhc53.attbi.com
Arrival-Date: 30 May 2003  2:09:35 +0000

Final-Recipient: rfc822; <ok@xynyx.de>
Action: failed
Status: 5.1.0 MAIL FROM: <pyro@debian.org> 553 REPLY: 553_5.1.8_<pyro@debian.org>..._Domain_of_sender_address_pyro@debian.org_does_not_exist
Diagnostic-Code: smtp; Permanent Failure: Other address status
Last-Attempt-Date: Fri, 30 May 2003 03:29:18 -0000
--- Begin Message ---
ok@xynyx.de writes:

> Hi Brian,
> I am glad to have you as Application Manager. At the moment I have to
> access my home pc via ssh. And as I only have stored my keys there, I
> had to setup mutt to use it and it took a while to get used to it.
> On Mon, May 26, 2003 at 10:15:47PM -0700, Brian Nelson wrote:
>> The first step was to apply for the New Maintainer process and have an
>> Application Manager (AM) assigned to you.  You have completed the first
>> step.  Now it's time to check your identity.
> I am familiar with gpg, as far as it works to encrypt and sign files.
> Please tell me if my setup should not be correct.
> This mail should be signed with a key, that hs the ID D3F974DF. This
> key has been  signed by Andreas Mueller, a Debian Developer.

Looks good.

>> If you have packaged an application for Debian already, please take
>> another deep look into it, eliminating any error you may find. At the
>> time we start with T&S, you send me the sources of it, so I can check
>> it.  Please also give me the Name of your sponsor for your package if it
>> is already in the Debian Archive.
> I have a package ready. For a start I'am a chess player and would like
> to integrate some not so well known programs in debian. The first
> package I made is a chess engine, that will work together with xboard
> and scid. If you don't mind the 180k I will attach it to the next mail.

Actually, I prefer that you use sendfile to send it to me, but we'll
worry about that when we get to that section of the application.  In the
meantime, please try to find a developer that is willing to sponsor an
upload of the package (the usual way is to ask on
debian-mentors@lists.debian.org).  As part of the NM process for a
prospective package maintainer, it is very important that you maintain
at least one package in the Debian archive.

I'll send the P&P questions shortly.

Poems... always a sign of pretentious inner turmoil.

Attachment: pgpcHHMqg0Wvl.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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