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Re: Fixed bugs

On Wed, May 07, 2003 at 04:20:19PM -0700, Matt Kraai wrote:
> On Wed, May 07, 2003 at 10:45:52AM +0200, Andreas Metzler wrote:
>> On Wed, May 07, 2003 at 09:42:25AM +0200, Tore Anderson wrote:
>>>  "dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -m'Happy Sponsor <nice@foo.bar>'".
>>>   The correct would be to replace -m'Happy Sponsor ..' with
>>>  -k0x<sponsor's PGP key ID>;  then changelog-closed bugs would be
>>>  closed properly. 
>> Either that or building with -uc -us and using debsign afterwards.
>> (Both debsign -k0x<sponsor's PGP key ID> and -m'Happy Sponsor ..'
>> work correctly).
> Tore says that -m'Happy Sponsor <nice@foo.bar>' will cause bugs to
> be tagged fixed instead of closed.

> Andreas says that -m'Happy Sponsor <nice@foo.bar>' will cause bugs
> to be closed instead of tagged fixed.

This produces an NMU:
dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -m'Happy Sponsor <nice@foo.bar>'"

These three possibilities work correctly:
* dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -k0x<sponsor's PGP key ID>
* dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -us && cd .. && \
  debsign -k0x<sponsor's PGP key ID> foo_23-42_i386.changes
* dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -us && cd .. && \
  debsign -m'Happy Sponsor <nice@foo.bar>' foo_23-42_i386.changes

Following Martin Godischisch's tip to check Changed-By in the
changes-file is never a bad idea.
                cu andreas
"See, I told you they'd listen to Reason," [SPOILER] Svfurlr fnlf,
fuhggvat qbja gur juveyvat tha.
Neal Stephenson in "Snow Crash"

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