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Re: sid: libc6-2.2.5-4 kills vmware workstation 3.0

On Wed, Apr 10, 2002 at 11:31:15PM +0200, Jeroen Dekkers wrote:

>> Imagine that as a project member you are
>> a service provider.  A service provider can do 10 things right and be rude
>> only once, and still a user will recall the negative experience.

> Start by the people who are already a Debian developer and are even
> more rude than me. Or is it allowed to be offensive when you are a
> debian developer? Or do you have to agree with the person being rude
> before they can rude???

Curious defense.  There are already rude people who are Debian
developers, therefore: 1) you don't believe you were wrong in the way
you handled the situation, and should not change your tone; 2) no one
has any right to require you to behave in a manner befitting the
project before letting you in, because you have as much right to be a
Debian developer as the other gasbags that have already been allowed in.

>> In any event, my opinion carries no more weight than any other Debian
>> developer (and less that many), so there's little point in you feeling
>> threatened.  I'm simply stating, publicly, that I think it's important
>> that NM applicants exhibit the capacity for civil discourse on the lists,
>> and that a tendency to be abusive on the lists should be a factor in the
>> DAM's decision (which it may already be).

> Then DAM has already failed with previous applicants.

Jeroen, think about it.  Flamewars follow you whenever you post.  Even
if you do believe you're right in showering verbal abuse down on people
who don't meet your standards for "freeness", why would the DAM want to
give an account to someone who comes into such sharp conflict with such
a large segment of the Debian community?  This isn't about what existing
developers do; their rudeness isn't your problem to worry about, it's
ours.  Your problem is your /own/ attitude and behavior on the mailing
lists as you go through the NM process.  Are you so confident in the
merit of your technical contributions that you think no one will
hesitate to make you a Debian developer, no matter how rude you are?  Do
you believe this is the sort of attitude that's in keeping with a
development model built around a user-focused community?

If you're unwilling to concede that there are times when zealotry is
contrary to the goals of Debian, and that the goals of Debian *should
take precedence* when you are acting as a member of this community, then
there will be DDs standing up to advocate against you so long as you
persist in applying.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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