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AM report for Cosimo Alfarano

AM report on Cosimo Alfarano

Applicant info:

Name:	         Cosimo Alfarano
Current email:   alfarano@students.cs.unibo.it
Preferred email: kalfa@debian.org
                 (to be forwarded to alfarano@students.cs.unibo.it)


Cosimo provided me with the following gpg key:

pub  1024D/CB467E27 2000-04-23 Cosimo Alfarano <alfarano@students.cs.unibo.it>
sig        CB467E27 2000-04-23  Cosimo Alfarano <alfarano@students.cs.unibo.it>
sig        229B1BE8 2000-07-15  [User id not found]
sig        26257B68 2000-10-08  Christian Surchi <csurchi@mclink.it>
uid                            Kame Alfa III <alfarano@students.cs.unibo.it>
sig        CB467E27 2000-08-24  Cosimo Alfarano <alfarano@students.cs.unibo.it>
sig        26257B68 2000-10-08  Christian Surchi <csurchi@mclink.it>
uid                            Cosimo Alfarano (K.Alfa) <alfarano@CS.UniBo.IT>
sig        CB467E27 2000-07-16  Cosimo Alfarano <alfarano@students.cs.unibo.it>
sig        26257B68 2000-10-08  Christian Surchi <csurchi@mclink.it>
sub  1024g/15E7C34A 2000-04-23
sig        CB467E27 2000-04-23  Cosimo Alfarano <alfarano@students.cs.unibo.it>

It was signed by Christian Surchi <csurchi@mclink.it>, who is a debian
developer (<csurchi@debian.org>, key ID 26257B68).

Identification check passed.

Policy and procedures:

Cosimo explictly agrees to the Social Contract and the DFSG. I asked
him some questions about them (the ones in the mini-HOWTO, actually),
and his respons clearly shows he understands them well.

Policy and procedures check passed.

Tasks and Skills:

Cosimo has already created some Debian packages (see
http://www.students.cs.unibo.it/~alfarano/debian). These incluse pyg, a
mail<->news gateway written in Python, gocr, a optical character
recognition program, and timekey3, a client to auth in i2000.* usenet
groups. One of them, pyg, is already in woody.

Furthermore, he administrates some i386 and Sparc boxes in the students
Debian cluster at the university of Bologna, Italy.

Tasks and skills check passed.


I recommend that Cosimo Alfarano becomes a Debian developer.

Kind regards,
| Bas Zoetekouw                  | Si l'on sait exactement ce   |
|--------------------------------| que l'on va faire, a quoi    |
| zoetekw@phys.uu.nl             | bon le faire?                |
|    bas@A-Es2.uu.nl             |               Pablo Picasso  |

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Description: PGP signature

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