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Bug#1021646: blender: enable HIP in Cycles (2023 Update)

Hello Maintainer,

Would you be open to a patch or merge request that enabled HIP support to the blender package?

HIP has been available in Debian for over a year now and the packaging is a bit more mature. It is now possible to build for HIP just by adding hipcc to the build dependencies and setting -DWITH_CYCLES_HIP_BINARIES=ON -DCYCLES_HIP_BINARIES_ARCH="gfx900;gfx902;gfx906;gfx1010;gfx1011;gfx1012;gfx1030;gfx1031;gfx1032;gfx1034".

Christian Kastner and I have also been setting up a CI system for packages with GPU acceleration [1]. If there are autopkgtests for rendering on AMD GPUs, we would be happy to run them. We are working towards having every modern discrete AMD GPU architecture covered on the CI.

Cory Bloor

[1]: https://lists.debian.org/debian-ai/2023/08/msg00003.html

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