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Re: Proposed multimedia team migration to salsa.d.o


On 26/02/18 08:50, Mattia Rizzolo wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 26, 2018 at 12:22:35AM +0000, Reinhard Tartler wrote:
>> I just got an email as one of the "list owners" of
>> pkg-multimedia-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org - the basic question is
>> whether we want to continue using the list (on the new migration host) or
>> whether we abandon it in favor of debian-multimedia@lists.debian.org
>> In the past, we used both lists with different emphasis. From the
>> discussion of this thread, I believe the answer the latter, but I wanted to
>> check for other opinions and thoughts on this.
> yes, please confirm them that they should leave it behind.

I think we should ask for the pkg-multimedia-maintainers list to be kept
until we have finished changing the Maintainer field on all the
packages. Otherwise the unmigrated packages will all become instantly RC
buggy when alioth is turned off.


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