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Re: Debian Multimedia (Unofficial) Promotion

I think we have to be careful here - when injuring one -
Hey ! Have never meant to injure anyone !
That's nice. Yet unintentional injures are still possible.
I just have pointed that out.
Yep ! You're so right, misundertoods can do that, thanks to point it.
I do not think
Chris S. wanted to say anything bad against the repo, but rather to
make it more perfect - the Debian wiki pages he has found while
becoming familiar w/ Debian.

Otherwise we risk to end up w/ many people that would not even try to
make things better - the thing that is not good/project_profitable.

That's OK to correct but not to injure - IMHO.

I have the same opinion, and you probably have focussed on the bad
part of my message...
Not only.
But, only my friend, you just erase anything else in the originate mail and answer to a little part.
Thanks to make a move in another direction since !
Your answer was great, but I had to tell a bit on this part -
and assure others to fear not to give their opinions on things that as
they suppose went wrong.

What you skipped was the wanted-help stuff !
Sure it was.
And it's still ! Nice to read we're in phase now, and forget all misundertandings.
Wish you the best ;)
Have a nice week end,
Thanks! Have good time too.


Ah, si chaque grain de sable choisissait d'apporter sa goutte d'eau, hein ?

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