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Re: Debian mobile BoF at DebConf17

Very nice to here that there is something going on on this mailing list!

I already thought about some aspects about your mail and will repost some things here I already posted in the IRC channel. ‎I have a few additions: plasma mobile would be the most useful interface for mobile devices. Most applications can be found in plasma mobile, maybe one can update and use some of the nenomobile apps, and if Debian could adopt some of the Ubuntu QML components, their Ubuntu apps could also run on debian. However Ubuntu packages would need to be patched to not use and depend on mir.
Jolla at least announced to likely opensource their QML components, which would open the way for running sailfishos apps, but AFAIK they haven't released the code yet. ‎all apps would be needed to be recompiled against the latest qt version in debian. Ubuntu has qt 5.6, and sailfish 5.2 and soon 5.6, but it would make sense to compile everything against 5.7.1 which is in Debian sid and stretch.

‎If there are people interested in working together with Halium, although it includes non-free parts, that would be very nice and helpful for both projects. Halium would do the android adaption, which means that some parts of android would run inside a Linux container which allows us to use it's drivers. There are nearly no opensource drivers which would make a phone run with Debian, so that's the only way currently. ‎The official website is http://halium.org. The Halium project in an early stage and it's a very young project, but Bhushan Shah is working hard to make the basics run. Systemd already runs on the kernel from android (yeah, we still need those as no phone is fully supported in mainline). We currently use android debug bridge, which already runs inside a Ubuntu rootfs. The container part is under construction.

If you have questions, which is very likely, ask on our matrix channel (#halium:matrix.org), our IRC channel #halium on freenode or in our telegram group t.me/halium. All channels are bridged so we will get your message independent on whereyou post it.

We would like to work together with you to make Debian available to phones and tablets. Although I can't come to Montréal, I wish you great luck with making your plans reality.

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