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Re: Dropping support for R3000 based DECstation (r3k-kn02)

On Fri, Mar 24, 2006 at 09:58:46PM +0000, Martin Michlmayr wrote:
> Thanks for your replies, Jeremy and Ulrich.  May I ask what you
> actually use these machines for?  IMHO the machines are so slow (and
> loud and big) that I personally don't see what people might want to
> do with them, but it would be good to hear from actual users what you
> do with the machines.  This'd also give me an incentive to care about
> it.  I suppose we could keep r3k-kn02 around for another release.

Well, as I said, I'm not personally using any as of a few months
ago. I was mostly running them to test Debian packages on mipsel
(for which I now have RaQs instead), but that use provides at most
circular arguments for continued support. The present owner is using
one as a firewall and the other as a personal webserver in his
apartment, but I get the impression he views them as museum pieces
more than anything. I wouldn't say they're terribly large or loud,
as long as you don't use the original disk packs (together they
still require less space and power than my AlphaStation).

If your intent it to just find out whether there are still any
functional r3k-kn02 in existence (for some definitions of
"functional"), then yes, I can verify that there are. I do not
believe my case, in particular, counts as much of a reason to burn
cycles supporting the platform, as you no doubt have more productive
things to do with your time.
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