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Linux 2.5 complete at 2.5.75, 2.6.0 comming soon...

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Hi All,
	Saw this on the AtomicMPC Forums -- Might be of interest to some of you:

| Linus Torvalds has published the last release of the current Linux
| development kernel, clearing the way to start work on the
long-anticipated 2.6 kernel.
| Torvalds, who founded the Linux kernel project in the early 1990s,
| on Thursday finalized the 2.5.75 kernel, which he said would be the
| last in the series. The 2.5 kernel is a development project,
| aimed at experimenting with new technologies, and will be integrated
| into the 2.6 kernel for use in finished products.
| The developer, who recently took a position with the Open Source
| Development Lab (OSDL), said that work on a test version of the 2.6
| kernel would now begin. "This is the last 2.5.x kernel, so take note,"
| he wrote on a kernel-development mailing list. "We (Torvalds and
| developer Andrew Morton) are going to start a 'pre-2.6' series, where
| getting patches in is going to be a lot harder."

ZD-Net Article:	http://zdnet.com.com/2100-1104-1024924.html
Forum Thread:	http://www.atomicmpc.com.au/forums.asp?s=2&c=16&t=759

	Are there any plans to synchronise the Linux-MIPS version of the kernel
with the official kernel.org version?
- --
| Stuart Longland           stuartl at longlandclan.hopto.org |
| Brisbane Mesh Node: 719             http://stuartl.cjb.net/ |
| I haven't lost my mind - it's backed up on a tape somewhere |
| Griffith Student No:           Course: Bachelor/IT (Nathan) |
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