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Re: Question about non-responsive key-signing mate

On Tue, Nov 14, 2023 at 07:11:56PM +0100, Maarten van Geijn wrote:
> Dear mentors,
> I turn to you with this question: is there any procedure to persuade an
> individual to sign a key he promised to sign during a key-signing meeting? I
> refrain from mentioning specific names here, but here is what happened:
> On October 7, I met a Debian developer in Tilburg, NL in an attempt to get
> acquainted and sign each other's keys.
> After some coffee and a decent conversation, exchanging business cards, and
> key fingerprints, we left and indicated that we will sign each other's keys.
> I signed his key as soon as I got home, the same day. My counterpart told me
> it could take a week or so. (pretty strange for a seasoned debian developer,
> but alright, I am happy to give someone the benefit of the doubt.
> After 3 weeks I started to email him, no response. I tried this several
> times, even phoning him, but even though we are now more than 5 weeks down
> the road, still life signs.
> Of course it could be anything, but I am starting to feel hoodwinked. Does
> this happen more often?


> Any recommendation from you?

Do key-signing with more people.

> Regards
> Maarten

Geert Stappers
DD, Woont in Breda, Werkt in Tilburg, is a.s. zaterdag in Utrecht.
Silence is hard to parse

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