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Re: A package to be removed

On Mon, 2021-11-22 at 08:47 +0200, Tommi Höynälänmaa wrote:

> Package theme-d-gnome was scheduled for autoremoval on 2021-11-21 but
> it looks like the package has not been removed yet.

It looks like the autoremoval was processed:

$ apt-cache madison theme-d-gnome
theme-d-gnome |    0.9.6-3 | https://deb.debian.org/debian unstable/main amd64 Packages
theme-d-gnome |    0.9.6-3 | https://deb.debian.org/debian unstable/main Sources

$ rmadison theme-d-gnome
theme-d-gnome | 0.7.5-2       | oldstable  | source, all
theme-d-gnome | 0.9.5-4       | stable     | source, all
theme-d-gnome | 0.9.6-3       | unstable   | source, all

$ w3m -dump https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/theme-d-gnome | grep -A6 versions | tail -n3
  • oldstable: 0.7.5-2
  • stable: 0.9.5-4
  • unstable: 0.9.6-3

> I searched the package at packages.debian.org and the package was
> displayed there in testing and unstable distributions.

The packages site usually takes longer to update than other sources.

> Grep-excuses displays theme-d-gnome as "flagged for removal".

It is still in the list of auto-removals hints but not in the
autoremoval calculations, so next time the hints are regenerated and
then the testing migration runs I expect the excuses will change.




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