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RFS: remotetea

Dear mentors,

I am working at the french synchotron radiation facility and we are
using the Tango constrol system http://tango-controls.org for all our
experiments. Most of the graphical part of the control system was
written using java (swig) and based on CORBA. The ancestor of this
control system was Taco and is already running at the ESRF
http://esrf.eu (the european synchrotron). So a link between Taco and
Tango is already present in the java implementation of Tango.

As I am planning to package the tango control system for debian
I also need to package the java part of Taco
And this Taco is using and java RPC implementation called remotetea
http://remotetea.sourceforge.net/ .

That is why I propose to add remotetea to Debian.
Here you can find the packaging of remotetea.

The package can be found on mentors.debian.net:
- URL: http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/r/remotetea
- Source repository: deb-src http://mentors.debian.net/debian unstable
main contrib non-free
- dget

This is my first java package so I need your advices about the way to
add the right dependencies and how to deal with all the java
implementations in Debian. Which one is the debian default java
implementation ?. For now it build using the default-jdk package
but I would like to know how to build thoses libxxx-java-gcj (is it
really requiered).

Thanks in advances for your help


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