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Re: Copyright issues GPL-PHP license

2007/5/6, Stefan Fritsch <sf@sfritsch.de>:

On Sonntag, 6. Mai 2007, Alex Queiroz wrote:
>      This is a very sad opinion. Is Debian censoring programming
> languages now?

No, but it is already a lot of work to provide security support for
the php apps in Debian. Ubuntu's popcon shows an installed user base
for nanoweb of only 23, compared to e.g. 441 for lighttpd. I don't
think it makes sense to spend time for security support (and php apps
tend to have many issues) for so few users.

I agree on this. I didn't look Ubuntu's popcon before, sorry.

I think the situation in Ubuntu is different because there is no real
security support for universe (please correct me if I am wrong).

Universe corresponds to? Contrib?



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