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Re: RFS: brightd

On Thu, 26 Apr 2007 15:10:18 +0200 Evgeni Golov wrote:

> > Another problem - acpi-support. You'd need to check whether brightd
> > supports more or a different range of laptops to acpi-support which can
> > do screen brightness for some laptops and can do other ACPI related
> > stuff too. That doesn't mean brightd cannot be added, it just means
> > that you should help users decide which one to use by highlighting
> > where yours differs from acpi-support.
> brightd supports every laptop which has a brightness control
> in /sys/class/backlight - as I understand acpi-support does not. Will
> need to test this later.

I investigated a bit on this:

acpi-support is for changing brightness with the nice keys some laptops
have ->not needed for thinkpads, they do that in hardware

brightd is for automatically changing brightness if the user is idle

So I think there is a clear functional difference (I've added the word
"automatically" to the long-desc...) and now my package is as ready as

Any comments or sponsoring-offers? ;-)

PS: brightd 0.3~pre1 is freshly on mentors:

   ^^^    | Evgeni -SargentD- Golov (sargentd@die-welt.net)
 d(O_o)b  | GPG/PGP-Key-ID: 0xAC15B50C
  >-|-<   | 0C04 F872 0963 ADC9 AA83 882B 24A0 1418 AC15 B50C
   / \    | http://www.die-welt.net - sargentd@jabber.die-welt.net

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