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Taking over different packages with a single source package

Hi list!

I'm nearly finished with my /magnum opus/, latex-cjk (a LaTeX macro
that allows you to insert Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Thai and
Vietnamese text in a LaTeX document), which you can find at

  deb http://chinese.alioth.debian.org latex-cjk/
  deb-src http://chinese.alioth.debian.org latex-cjk/

I only need to (re)package some bitmap fonts (which is not necessary
to run the packages since I also provide better-quality Type1 fonts,
but is nice to have, esp. for CNS).
These fonts can be found at ftp://ctan.tug.org/tex-archive/fonts/CJK/.

The thing is that Anthony Fok has already packaged a few of these
fonts (hbf-cns40-[1-7], hbf-cns40-b5, hbf-jfs56 and hbf-kanji48), each
with their own changelog (having only two or three entries each
though) and with their own Debian source package.

I find it too bothersome and clumsy to have a source package for each
and every font, so I would like to use only 1.  Debian lacks the
Korean (han*.tar.gz), another Japanese (jisksp40.tar.gz) and a Chinese
font (ntukai48.tar.gz) anyway.

My questions: 
 - What to do about the old changelogs if I want to use a single
   Debian source for all packages?
 - Do I just put dummy entries in the changelog up to version 1.0.4?
 - Do I put the content of the old changelogs altogether in one
   changelog entry?
 - What about the name of the Debian source packages ("hbf-cns40-1",
   "hbf-jfs56", etc. in comparison with the new source package
 - Should I put the old packages on the "Replace:" line?  Or even set
   "Conflicts: hbf-foo1 (<=1.0.3), hbf-foo2 (<=1.0.2), etc."?

The new Debian source package "hbf-fonts" will be a repackaged tarball
containing all the .tar.gz files from above FTP site.  debian/rules
will automatically remove prior build directories and extract all
these packages.

Thank you for your advice.

Kind regards




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