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Re: Outreachy project: complete workflows of tools

Hi all,

>> On 04/03/2021 16:54, Andreas Tille wrote:
>>> [...]
>>> If I understood you correctly your question to Tony was whether he might
>>> like to volunteer to support drafting an Outreachy proposal.  Guessing
>>> from Tony's response to your mail this was not totally clear to him.
Thanks, Andreas!

> Am 04.03.21 um 22:09 schrieb Tony Travis:
>> I'm planning to re-write the tutorial, which includes QIIME, for my
>> Debian-Med version of Bio-Linux, but it would be really helpful if
>> someone is interested in doing that as part of an 'Outreachy' project.
Seems like a plan!

On 2021-03-04 16:19, Steffen Möller wrote: 
> I am very confident that Tony would be a wonderful mentor. I happily
> help by co- or co-co-mentoring - we had discussed Qiime at the very last
> minutes of our Sprint if I recall correctly.
I'm checking if 3 mentors are possible, and I could help you with all
bureaucracy with Outreachy. If not, I think it would make more sense to
the two of you as mentors. In any case, I'll be following the process
helping informally.

> So, with Tony having gone the conda route a while back when our recent
> Debian packages have not yet been existing, I see this as particularly
> valuable for Tássia to both experience and compare.
That's all great!

Now we need to submit an intern project proposal, and deadline is March
(next Thursday). First we need to define the following:

- Project title & description
- How can applicants make a contribution (starter tasks)
- Applicant skills (description, impact on intern selection, experience
- Intern tasks

Since deadline is approaching quickly, I suggest we move this off-list
and start
writing in a wiki or pad. We could also schedule a meeting to write this
together, if you prefer.

Please take a look at Pre-application Process [1] and mentor
requirements [2],
just to confirm we are all on the same track ;-)



[1] https://www.outreachy.org/mentor/mentor-faq/#define-a-project
[2] https://www.outreachy.org/mentor/#mentor

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