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Re: Debian Med COVID-19 related unknown? software

Hi Ben,

On Thu, Apr 02, 2020 at 11:25:48AM +0200, Ben Tris wrote:
> With search in Debian could not find this, quick look: pl scripts don't
> seem to have license headers:
> Wtdbg2 is a /de novo/ sequence assembler for long noisy reads produced
> by PacBio or Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT).
> https://github.com/ruanjue/wtdbg2
> gpl3+

thanks a lot for your valuable input.  I've injected rudimentary
packaging in Git[1] and added it into covid-19 task (where it will need
24h+x to show up).

BTW, one of your former hints chip-seq is packaged and migrated to
testing.  I'll answer to that mail inspired by suggestions of your
friend Shruti Sridhar (in CC) once the R packages are accepted.  Several
of these are in the new queue others pending for upload.

Any other hints are really welcome.

Kind regards


[1] https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/wtdbg2


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