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Re: Refs to Conda - giving it a try after meeting Björn at a conference

Hi Steffen,

On Wed, Sep 18, 2019 at 03:25:19PM +0200, Steffen Möller wrote:
> I just met Björn from the Conda community over here at the GCB in
> Heidelberg. Over some sweet cake we agreed that it would be good to mutually
> reference our packages. And we find that it would be mutually beneficial to
> develop some training material that references both conda and Debian
> packages, allowing the focus to remain on the biology. The idea is to allow
> for the smoothest possible transition from "Jugend forscht!"-/hobby/student
> side projects to HPC environments and back, like to explain results to the
> public. We had also some early thoughts about how to help automating the
> exchange of links with some inter-distributional bots, also involving the
> github-reinvented bio.tools.

Thanks for this effort.  I've seen your commits.

> Does anybody of folks reading this attend their
> upcoming BioHackathon in Paris?

I'm there and would be happy to meet Björn if he is as well.
> You are all up for this, right?

> I saw Björn do first pull requests towards the mutual links and have created
> a bunch on my own now - a* and b* should be complete. @Andreas, could you
> please perform your magic on integrating that data with the udd?

I'll do so soon.

> And did I
> do the modification of the blends' task page correctly?

Just from reading the code it looks good. :-)

Thanks again, Andreas. 


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