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Re: Plastimatch ready for upload

Hi Gregory,

On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 05:17:15PM -0400, Gregory Sharp wrote:
> I've prepared the plastimatch version upgrade in the debian-med subversion.
> Please let me know if anything else I can/should be doing.

Thanks for your preparation.  I had a look at it.  I realised that the
package does contain several header files and static libraries.  I guess
this was the case also before but I never noticed.  Are you sure that we
should ship *.h and *.a files inside the plastimatch binary package?

The usual way to provide such files are lib<name>-dev packages and
usually also some dynamic library is provided containing *.so files
where the binaries in /usr/bin/* are linked against.

Could you please explain your motivation to do the package that way?
> Note: uscan still fails due to bug in tar #748244.

Thanks for the hint.  I added this example to the bug report and for the
moment worked around it manually.

Kind regards



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