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Re: ImageJ plugin for Orthanc

On Mon, Dec 08, 2014 at 11:16:54AM +0100, s.jodogne@chu.ulg.ac.be wrote:

> > My plugin is already correctly packaged wrt. the ImageJ SDK. But
> > could you recommend some nicely packaged software for Debian that
> > uses a combination of Java and CMake? This would be quite useful for
> > me.
> Side question: Should my plugin be part of the "orthanc" package [1], of the "imagej" package, or should it be fully standalone? 

It is probably a lot easier for you to make it part of the
orthanc package.

As an aside, and regardless of whether ImageJ or the ImageJ
Orthanc Plugin are useful in their own right, let me
reiterate that ImageJ is irrelevant to the practice of

Simply put: Debian doesn't have what it takes to be a DICOM
viewer workstation for clinical work. The only viewer worth
considering (Ginkgo CADx) for serious use is currently - as
provided by Debian - terminally broken.

Which is sad.

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