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Re: Alioth: html output dir linked to vasks???

On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 12:39:55AM +0200, David Paleino wrote:
> (no need to CC me, I never unsubscribed from debian-med@, eh :))

> > I was advised by Alioth admins to do so and they installed all
> > preconditions to run the tools that are creating the tasks pages.
> Uhm, ok.
> I knew about the symlink just yesterday -- there are people using this
> method for other projects (Ansgar Burchardt for PET, for example), so I thought
> it was the "accepted way" of doing things.

Well, for PET only purpose this method is probably perfectly OK.  But we
are doing more stuff than only PET - thus we experience this conflict.
> Could you expand this point?
> What does this "publish" target do? Does it scp things from vasks to wagner?



IMHO this manual triggering of publishing something has some advantages
because it enables you to commit some intermediate status which is not
automatically subject for publishing.  I personally would prefer this
anyway so I do not really see a constraint in the fact that postcommit
hooks do not work any more.
> I'm not entirely sure that's the most correct way. Those are the same admins we
> made the symlink wagner:/srv/home pointing to vasks :)
> Anyway, we can contact them, asking for clarification.

However, I would like to get the tasks pages working *before* we have
sorted out this.  So I would love to revert your change right now
(risking that postcommit hooks will not work for the moment - PET should
keep on working if you copy the code manually ... at least I think so).
> > No problem.  I do see two ways to get things working again:
> > 
> >    1. Revert the general symlink for htdocs and symlink only to those
> >       files / directories which really profit from this step.
> 18 symlinks seem too much to me :)
> dapal@wagner:~/debian-med/htdocs$ ls |wc -l
> 19
> (-1 → tasks/ directory, which wouldn't be symlinked)

Even if it is actually 17 (-1 for bugs/) I agree that this is hardly a
good idea because when creating a new file this will break.
> >    2. Revert the symlink and use a publish target as I suggested (and
> >       do not use the postcommit hook to move things around
> This is what I did not understand :)

Please see the Makefile linked above.  Currently your workflow is like

   1. Changing something
   2. svn commit --> changes are populated

My proposed workflow is:

   1. Changing something
   2. svn commit (NOTHING will be populated)
   3. make publish --> changes are populated

While this is actually one step more I *really* think that this one more
step is reasonable.  Thinking once more before publishing is IMHO a sane
thing to do and I was actually never really happy about the shorter

I'm somehow tempted to revert the symling soonish because I need working
tasks pages (nowish) because I need to demonstrate something here.  For
the moment nothing should be broken by this change back because the
working code is just populated, right?

BTW, did you created a copy of the old htdocs dir before creating the

Kind regards



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