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my name is Andreas Tille and I'm writing you on behalf of the Debian Med
project. We are intersted in building an official Debian package from your
wordlist, but there is some confusion about the files that can be
downloaded and what might be the real source of information for all the
different formats.

At the web page you are linking to a zip file which contains a cvs and txt

The zip file contains two byte-identical files 'OpenMedSpel 100.txt'
and 'OpenMedSpel 100.csv'.  I do not see any sense in having identical
files with different extensions.  Moreover the README says:
    The OpenMedSpel word list was created by R Robinson and is
    copyright 2007 by R Robinson.

The OpenOffice.org

seems to be outdated.  The archive contains a very similar wordlist
(renamed to en_US_OpenMedSpel.dic) but with viewer words.

If I look into the firefox extension download

which has a higher version number (provided that the number at the
end does mean a versioning) it seems to contain the most up to date
file - at least guessing from the number of words contained in the file
en-US-OpenMedSpel.dic.  But looking at the time stamp it was touched
nearly at the same time as the txt file in the zip archive.

The README of the Firefox version says:
    The English wordlist was created by Kevin Atkinson and is
    covered by his LGPL license.

So I somehow wonder if these are in fact different list because the
copyrights are at different authors.

To accomplish our goal to build a Debian package from the latest
version of the OpenMedSpel dictionary I would like to ask you for
clarification where we can download the real source of the wordlist
(the file taht is edited and is used as source for other formats).
I'm no dictionary expert, but I just noticed that the *.dic file
in the Firefox package contains some additional information behind
most of the words ('/M', '/SM', '/LGDRS', '/UY', ...).  If this is
manually edited it seems that we should look into the Firefox
download.  Please confirm that my guess is correct (I never dealt
with dictionaries before).

Moreover I would like to know how exactly the affix file is created.
The readme says:
   The affix file is based on Geoff Kuenning's Ispell affix file
   which is covered by his BSD licence.
What means "is based on" and is there any tool to create the affix

Kind regards and thanks for providing the medical word list



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