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Re: MKL - for Debian

On Wed, 27 Feb 2008 08:22:07 +0530, Gv, Naveen wrote:

> Dear Mr Paleino,
> Thank you for your interest in MKL and your suggestions regarding Debian
> distribution.

Thank you for looking into this.

> Although Intel has no current plans to release Intel MKL as free
> software in the manner described in your message, perhaps there are
> still ways for users of your molecular/computational biology packages to
> benefit from the Intel MKL performance library.
> Your message refers to the dependency on Intel MKL as being optional -
> does this mean that your package is designed to use Intel MKL if it is
> available in the application environment?

Not really -- it must be present at compile time -- and then at runtime. Since
I've got no copy of Intel MKL, neither have the chance to have a computer with
that library installed, I can't build programs with support for things I don't
have. Moreover, Debian bases its infrastructure upon "build daemons": packages
must build cleanly there to enter the official distribution. Even if a end-user
has Intel MKL installed, our programs won't use it, because they had no such
opportunity at compile-time.

> Such a usage model has a precedent example in another domain: the OpenCV
> open-source computer-vision library is designed to detect and use the
> Intel Integrated Performance Primitives (Intel IPP) library, in its
> runtime environment, to yield extra performance.   Intel IPP is a sister
> library product to Intel MKL.

I'll look into OpenCV, thanks for the suggestion.

Kind regards,
David Paleino
in behalf of Debian-Med Team

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