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Re: Preconfiguration of Firefox


Andreas Tille wrote:

On Mon, 30 Jan 2006, Charles Plessy wrote:

Not sure. It seems that biofox is a toolbar with many functionalities.
In mozilla-derived browsers, there is a small field right of the url
field, from which a google search can be started. Other search engines
can be added, including scientific ones. It is less powerful than
biofox, but on the other hand is not a plugin, but a built-in fuction
that can be configured. But I wonder wether this, and the default
bookmarks, can be easily tweaked in a custom debian distribution.

I think I understand what Charles means and I would regard this a good
idea.  IMHO, this would require the following:

   1) Make med-tools dependant from firefox (it will be in the future
      anyway because I want to include mozilla-biofox).
   2) Tweak the firefox configuration of all users that are in the
      group "med" to add the necessary search engine.

If someone could provide the code that would make the necessary change
to the mozilla configuration I would try to care for the inclusion of
the feature

If this can help, it's easy to add search engines to Firefox (or Mozilla).

For example, on Firefox.
The directory /usr/lib/firefox/searchplugins contains all the search plugins that will appear oh the search field. If we want to install, for example, a search engine to find things on Pubmed, we can get an already implemented search engine for Pubmed at http://mycroft.mozdev.org/plugins/pubmed.src (I didn't saw any license on this file, but if it's not allowed to include it on Debian (if we are going to include), we can create a new .scr file as it's not difficult). Also, we need a picture to be displayed on the search box (like Google has a "G"). On our example, it's http://mycroft.mozdev.org/plugins/pubmed.png

Perfect. With both files in hand, we just need to install them on /usr/lib/firefox/searchplugins
When Firefox is restarted, we get a new option to choose: NCBI PubMed.

On Mozilla, we use the same files, but we install them on /usr/lib/mozilla/searchplugins/

If we are going to include some personalized search engines on Firefox, we just need to get what we need (or create if there is no ready solution) and install on the directories that I said. Simple, right? :-)

But there is a problem (that I don't know if it's really a problem).
If we install the files on /usr/lib/firefox/searchplugins, the search engines will be available to all users on the system, even those that are not on the "med" group.

I don't know how we can limit the search engines to be listed only on users from the group med... :-/

I think that there is no problem in installing the search engine to all users, since it will be included on a CDD, right?

A package that installs search engines related with our area would be nice! :-D

If there is something that I can help on this, you can count with me.

Thank you!


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