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Re: ro partition & automate persistence

Am 09.12.2014 um 13:15 schrieb antonio maddalosso:
> why, if I copy the live dir in a ntfs partition and start the image from
> this partition the partition is mounted ro?
> cat /etc/mtab
> ...
> /dev/sda1 /lib/live/mount/medium ntfs
> ro,noatime,uid=0,gid=0,fmask=0177,nls=utf8,errors=continue,mtf_zone_multiplier=1
> 0 0


same issue here.  My understanding is that the script that is able to
access the NTFS file system lacks the code to user ntfs-3g, which would
allow a rw mount, so it mounts ro no matter which parameters you
specify.  Also, since the NTFS file system is in use while you work from
the image file stored on it, you cannot remount with rw (since the
loaded ntfs module only supports ro), nor can you unmount it and mount
it rw with ntfs-3g, as the old ntfs module won't let go of the file system.

Solution: On Machines with sufficient RAM, specify "toram" as additional
boot parameter.  That way, the NTFS file system gets unmounted as soon
as the image has been copied to RAM.  After that, you can issue a mount
command from a script iside your image, and in there, you can use
ntfs-3g and mount it rw.


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