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My Apologizations

Dear members of this ammazing mailing list,
    I would like to apologize all of us, whom i have accidentally sended my E-mails instead of send them to all members of this mailing list. You are very supportive developers and i Am very deeply appreciating Yours hard work, which You are investing to The Debian live project development.
I have found The cause of my problems related to Debian Alpha2 live GNome installation. Some crucial dependencyes for remastersys or Grub-legacy have been changed during last three or four weeks so i will not try to insall Debian Alpha 1 or 2 live Gnome by using Remastersys live installer. This approach can be reliably used for Debian Leny live Gnome.
I would like to valuably please You.
Is it possible to perform upgrade from Debian Leny installed on a harddrive to latest Alpha release?
I tried to use sources.list from Debian Alpha and i have tried to use apt-get dist-upgrade but i have fallen to severe dependency issues so i had to remove corrupted installation from my harddrive.
Fortunately, Debian Leny package management system is very smart and it offered me to install Grub-PC by using safe approach. So grub awailable in Debian Leny installation have been let on my MBR of harddrive, only grub.lst have been modified to try to load grub-pc. When i restarted my machine, i must pressed Enter key tvice, so i think, that Grub-PC is having severe issues with The geometry of Harddrive. But when i have pressed The enter key, i could boot to my corrupted system, ofcourse without Gnome usable.
If somebody of us would give me a piece of advice which commands should i type to perform safe upgrade from Leny to Squeeze, i will very deeply appreciate Yours help.
Installer included in Debian Squeeze Alpha2 can not format my harddrive as EXT3, i have choosen The default file system type, i have used guided partitioning, use The whole harddrive.
Is it really necessary to use Grub-PC instead of Grub-legacy? Does many people reported severe issues while installing Debian Leny from Jun 2010 or by installing earlyer releases of this operating system?
I Am afraid, that development of boot loader is very complex and Grub-legacy, eventhough it is older boot loader is existing for many Years and i think, that The compatibility with many BIOSES and various harddrive is much more better.
I have tried some older Linux distros which were using Grub-legacy, i know, that this is The name of Grub package for older relase of Grub, and i have never occurred issues with this boot loader.
I will try to discuss my booting issues with core developer of Grub-pc. I Am really convinced, that my harddisk is intact, because i can install other Linux distros and Windows XP without issues and i can also boot from harddrive.
If i could please You for somethink, try somebody of us to install Debian Squeeze Alpha 2 release by using Remastersys-installer. You will very probably find out, how complex is to make The target system bootable.
I do not have other issues even with Yours development Alpha 1 or Alpha 2 releases. Stability is perfect, multimedia support is really outstanding and i love automatic support of The Sound blaster Audigy SZ notebook PCMCIA sound cart.
I have been never able to use this sound cart with other Linux distros, which are based on ALSA sound server. I have been very deeply sad, because i thought, that this sound device can be only supported by Pulseaudio sound server. You have demonstrated to Linux users, that ALSA is ammazing sound server.
You have really speeded up The boot process in Alpha 2 release, very, very well done.
And please forgive me, if i Am intruding Yours development team with my issues.
I have spended many hours during triing to make special remaster based on Debian Squeeze. My goal is to bring stable and opensource solution to handicapped users. So i want to make reliable remaster.
I have been very near to my goal, but unfortunately, i have been stupid and i did not know, that it is so easy to set Czech language by using very well known boot option. And that if i will copy .iso image content to USB flash drive with this special boot paramether, i will have Czech language also awailable after finishing installation by using Remastersys-installer.
And because i have started to edit .iso image generated by remastersys to add Czech language support, i occurred issues while triing to boot resulted DVD from this image.
And when i have found out, that i can specifi Czech language while booting from my USB flash drive, i erased The installation and i wanted to start from scratch again. But unfortunately for me, crucial dependencyes have been changed. So while i tried to install Alpha 1 or Alpha 2 live DVD by using Remastersys-installer, The resulted installation started to be unbootable.
So i AM very sad.
My goal is to produce ammazing remaster with OCR software, with braille display, with speech-disatcher, with SUE screen reader and other useful applications for handicapped users.
Including GNome on screen keyboard  Gok.
I believe, that somebody of us would try to help me to reach my goal.
Thank You very, very much for Yours patient access to my pleasments.

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