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Bug#1001458: lintian: tag prefer-uscan-symlink has bad name and may be wrong

On 10/12/2021 16:02, Felix Lechner wrote:

On Fri, Dec 10, 2021 at 6:28 AM Yadd <yadd@debian.org> wrote:

Multiple-Upstream-Tarballs package (from uscan(1) sorry ;-))

Thanks for the explanation! I'll return the favor: In Lintian, we call
them "sources with multiple orig components".

On a related note, we generally do not use "packages" to refer to
sources (our website is a notable exception). We usually eschew the
barebones moniker altogether. In Lintian, installable packages are
exactly that, and sources are sources.

As an aside, I have been accused of reinventing terminology, but it's

Not by me ;-)

really helped Lintian to keep apart things that otherwise sound too
similar. In my defense, I developed a low tolerance for confusion when
trying to navigate, on a visit, Atlanta's 71 streets named
"Peachtree". [1] Just as Debian is recognized for its great packages,
peaches are a famous product of Georgia!

Many thanks for your work, really appreciated!

By the way, could you help me to fix "extra" lintian tags in pkg-js-tools ?


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