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Bug#1001399: lintian: adjust backports-upload-has-incorrect-version-number for ubuntu

On Thu, Dec 09, 2021 at 07:41:44AM -0800, Felix Lechner wrote:
> Right now, Lintian's profiles just enable or disable tags. I am not
> opposed to expanding their capabilities, but is it the right approach?

So, that's one approach, but considering your other proposals first.

> Should the version string for a Ubuntu package also be acceptable even
> if Lintian ran on Debian?

I wouldn't be opposed to this, however I'd like to generally be warned
if I'm obviously running lintian on my debian systems against an ubuntu
packages.  Is there already a tag for this?
If this is already covered by a different tag, then
backports-upload-has-incorrect-version-number could just accept both

> Can Lintian tell the target OS without looking at the version string?
> Maybe the changelog (except that would not work for UNRELEASED)?

Proposal: with the data from distro-info-data you can easily figure from
what distribution is a given release.  I believe we shouldn't concern
ourselves too much with UNRELEASED (what's the current behaviour here

                        Mattia Rizzolo

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