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Bug#971895: lintian: hangs indefinitely on stable using lintian 2.97.0~bpo10+1

Hi Baptiste,

On Fri, Oct 9, 2020 at 12:30 AM Baptiste BEAUPLAT <lyknode@cilg.org> wrote:
> the issue is intermittent

In which percentage of cases does this issue occur, please?

I am unable to reproduce it in twenty runs locally on stable-bpo, in
which I develop ("bare metal"), without the 'time' command which is,
for some reason, not available in that position in my version of bash.
I made twenty runs:

$ seq 1 2 | xargs -I {} -P 0 bin/lintian
E: gnome-user-docs: description-is-pkg-name GNOME user docs
W: gnome-user-docs source: incomplete-creative-commons-license
cc-by-3.0 (line 7)
I: gnome-user-docs: unusual-documentation-package-name
P: gnome-user-docs source: silent-on-rules-requiring-root
E: gnome-user-docs: description-is-pkg-name GNOME user docs
W: gnome-user-docs source: incomplete-creative-commons-license
cc-by-3.0 (line 7)
I: gnome-user-docs: unusual-documentation-package-name
P: gnome-user-docs source: silent-on-rules-requiring-root

Right now, my best guess is a race condition or other problem in this routine:


The issue should be easy to track down, if it is caused by Lintian,
because Lintian no longer does anything in parallel. That routine is
the sole exception.

Untarring is an expensive operation, and the two indices would
otherwise require two such operations in addition to the actual

In your case, the index of 'installed' files seems to be the issue.
Indices are now unpacked on demand. Do you see the issue with just a
single check that accesses Processable::installed, for example with
'-C files/special'?

Ideally, you would run it only on the offending *.deb. Thanks!

Kind regards
Felix Lechner

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