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Bug#930487: lintian: use GitLab caching of test packages to speed up test suite CI


I'm not sure if the following is of help, as I didn't saw the involved
code, but:

On 19-07-20 17:28:56, Chris Lamb wrote:
> I have something working except that I am running into a blocker
> whereby the GitLab cache is not seen in subsequent runs.
> For example, the cache is being stored at the end of the test package
> build stage:
>     Creating cache default-2...
>     .cache/: found 2 matching files                    
>     No URL provided, cache will be not uploaded to shared cache server. Cache will be stored only locally. 
>     Created cache
> … but it is not seen when you re-run that same pipeline:
>     Checking cache for default-2...
>     No URL provided, cache will not be downloaded from shared cache server. Instead a local version of cache will be extracted. 
>     Successfully extracted cache
>     $ ls -l .cache || true
>     ls: cannot access '.cache': No such file or directory
> I will try and hunt down a Salsa admin during DebConf. This might be
> due to the use of shared runners and us not using a centralised cache.

An alternative might be to use artifacts [1], which work as expected on


[1] https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/pipelines/job_artifacts.html

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