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Bug#812962: vcs-field-uses-insecure-uri sometimes misses things

Hi Paul!

* Paul Tagliamonte <paultag@debian.org>, 2016-01-27, 23:52:
| if ($parts[0] =~ m%^(?:git|http)://%) {

Which might miss some things, like "nosmart+http"[1].

I had a look at Vcs-* fields in the archive to see what we might be missing.

* Arch: http:// only.

* Bzr: Apart from this "nosmart+"[0][2] thing, there are "lp:" URLs, which bzr(1) seem to expand to http://bazaar.launchpad.net/; and if you change it to https, it doesn't work. Ugh. :\

* CVS: All URLs in the wild are :pserver:, which I believe is unencrypted and unauthenticated. Theoretically you could access CVS via anonymous SSH but I don't know if any of these servers supports this.

* Darcs: http:// and git://[1].

* Git: git://, http(s)://, SSH.

* Hg: http(s):// only.

* Monotone: Monotone is weird. Can be pretend that it doesn't exist for the moment?

* Svn: http(s)://, svn://, SSH. I believe that svn:// is unencrypted and unauthenticated.

[0] Is it documented anywhere? I couldn't find anything relevant.
[1] oO
[2] Hi, paultag![3]
[3] Did you know you can make a footnote loop?[4]
[4] Yes, you can![2]

Jakub Wilk

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