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Re: Jenkins job for Lintian tests

On 2014-04-06 04:28, Holger Levsen wrote:
> Hi Niels,
> On Donnerstag, 13. März 2014, Niels Thykier wrote:
>> I have tried to create a Jenkins job configuration for continuously
>> checking the Lintian test suite in the master branch.  I based it on the
>> ruby-qa jobs and I would like it to run in at least sid and stable
>> (testing is a nice addition, but not strictly necessary).
> running it against all three is fine.


>> Just to confirm that I got it right; it will mail
>> lintian-maint@debian.org on failed builds (and the first successful one
>> after a failure)?
> yes.
> my comments so far:
> [04:23] <      h01ger> | nthykier: i've merged your lintian-tests.yaml now. 
> http://jenkins.debian.net/job/lintian-tests_stable/1/ is the first test run
> [04:26] <      h01ger> | there's some stuff missing, like triggering by git 
> commits (and not time based as your config implies) and irc notification, but 
> thats pretty minor, esp. compared to the failure we see in the above url :)
> [04:26] <      h01ger> |  /tmp/chroot-testrun: line 8: ./ci-run: No such file 
> or directory
> [04:27] <      h01ger> | nthykier: whats the test you actually want to run?
> [04:27]              * | h01ger clones the lintian repo locally...
> More tomorrow/"today"... :)
> cheers,
> 	Holger

Indeed, running d/rules runtests would be sufficient.  I got a branch
ready at [1] - though it assumes that my_shell works like I think it
does.  Also, we got the notification of the build failure, so at least
that is working. :)



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