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Bug#712511: [lintian] Moreinfo about update-notifier in postinst

On Sat, Dec 28, 2013 at 03:33:26PM +0000, bastien ROUCARIES wrote:
> Package: lintian
> Version: 2.5.19
> control: tags -1 + moreinfo
> control: severity - 1 wishlist
> Thanks for your report but I need more info:
> - a tag description explaining the problem
> - a replacement 
> BTW I alway consider asking for reboot except for kernel upgrade as a bug. What do you think ?

Well, there are three related problems here, AFAICT.

(1) The update-notifier package is now entirely replaced by
    PackageKit, and the package is just a transitional package
    depending on gnome-packagekit
(2) The notify-reboot-required script, which will be removed before
    the jessie release (see the control file for
    update-notifier-common), writes messages into
    /var/run/reboot-required{,.pkgs}, and these files are not looked
    at by anything
(3) There is presently no replacement that I am aware of for anything
    other than GNOME (see bugs 710355 and 710565).

So I am unsure quite what to suggest.  A tag description could be
something like the following, triggered when
/usr/share/update-notifier/notify-reboot-required is detected in the
postinst (or maybe even just /usr/share/update-notifier).  Perhaps the
GNOME-PolicyKit team have suggestions?

Tag: postinst-calls-update-notifier
Severity: warning/error???
Certainty: Certain
Info: Your package (conditionally) calls update-notifier in its
 postinst, but the update-notifier package is no longer available in
 jessie.  Please remove the reference to it in your postinst.  At
 present, it is unclear what the correct replacement is....


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