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Bug#658031: lintian: I, too, only have one name

intrigeri@debian.org writes:

> It feels wrong every time I create two Lintian overrides files, in one
> of the packages I work on, to get rid of the maintainer-not-full-name
> Lintian warnings.

Please, don't feel like you have to do that.  Lintian should recognize
your real name, and you should not need to add overrides for a bug in

> Lintian/Check.pm reads:

>     # Wookey really only has one name.  If we get more of these, consider
>     # removing the check.

> These times may have come.

> I would be happy to provide a patch that removes these checks, or
> adds myself to the exceptions list (seriously?). What do you think?

I think the main question to ask ourselves here is whether this check
really catches any bugs.  I suspect the intent is to catch cases where the
local GECOS entry is the same as the username or is otherwise not really
the public identifier that the maintainer wants to use, but it's doing so
by using a particularly limited and questionable heuristic for recognizing
names that's known to break in lots of real-world cases.

There have only been two such cases that have turned up in Debian so far,
but there will doubtless be more, and it doesn't really sit well with me
to ask people to contact us to "register" their real name.  So my
inclination is to just remove the check.

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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