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Re: [PATCH] Added-support-for-multi-version-arch-in-temporary-labs

Niels Thykier <niels@thykier.net> writes:

> Attached is a patch that would effectively solve #632115 for most of our
> users.  I have not applied it yet, since there are parts that may be
> controversial.

> Particularly the output for emitted tags have not changes, mostly
> because I was afraid that some people relied on our current output
> format (incl. lintian-info).  Secondly I felt it might be a good idea to
> get second opinions on a new such output format.  Currently we do:

> <...>: $name [$type]: <...>

> We have to fit in $version and $arch into this equation.  The simplest
> solution would be (a permutation of) the following:

> <...>: $name $type $version $arch: <...>

> While we could leave out parts that are redundant when (parts of) the
> feature is not used, I suspect it may make output parsers more
> complicated (as they would need to know / deduce this).
>   On the other hand, it may make output needlessly long.

Yeah, I'd kind of like to keep the output as short as possible for the
common case, since it's nice to be able to glance at the tag and see the
important information quickly.

What about something like:

    E: package source (1.0-1) [amd64]: some-tag

where the type is present or dropped based on the rules we have now, and
the version and architecture are only present if necessary to
disambiguate?  That has the advantage of using the same punctuation the
project uses elsewhere for versions and architectures, which means the
well-trained eye of a Debian developer will parse it easily.

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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