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Bug#598343: lintian: please don't warn when desktop files start programs via dbus activation

Andreas Henriksson <andreas@fatal.se> writes:

> W: rygel: desktop-command-not-in-package /usr/share/applications/rygel.desktop dbus-send

> It might be wise to detect if desktop files uses commands not in the package
> in the general case, but I think there's nothing wrong with the command
> in the rygel desktop file.

> Rygel is started via "dbus activation". The package already depends on
> dbus, which contains the dbus-send command. I see nothing wrong
> with using it directly..... or rather, no gain in writing
> a shell script to use in the desktop file that simply calls dbus-send.

> Maybe the warning should have a whitelist of commands to not warn about,
> like dbus-send..... alternatively a more complex solution could be
> to only warn if the command is not in the package *and* not in
> any of the package dependencies either.

I think this is a case where you should use an override.  Lintian doesn't
have much hope of figuring out what's going on here, since it doesn't have
any way to know what commands are in packages you depend on (each package
is analyzed in isolation).

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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