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Bug#388824: select-with-translated-default-field may be a bit overzealous

Thomas Huriaux <thomas.huriaux@gmail.com> writes:

> Note that it should also be seen as a warning that requests
> documentation for translators. For example, if we have a default string
> marked as translatable such as

>   _Default: None

> Either it should not be translated (as in postfix), or it can be
> translated as it will be part of the title of a webpage (just an
> example, of course). Asking the maintainers to say so as following:

>   _Default: None[ This will be part of a webpage title ]

> is in my opinion more an advantage than a disadvantage.

Just to confirm, this syntax works for type string as well, right?  Not
just select and multiselect?

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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